Enough is Enough

1 Kings 17:16a (NLT)

For no matter how much they used, there was always enough left…

Obedience pays dividends.  When we decide to do what we know we’re supposed to do, we put ourselves in a position to receive what we couldn’t anticipate.  It’s not that we give to get, but in the giving of ourselves we have the assurance of God’s supply.

Elijah had a need for nourishment and God would send water from a brook and food via birds.  When the rain stopped, He would use Elijah to teach a widow how to trust Him.

The woman had received instructions from God, but it hadn’t activated her faith.  When Elijah approached her he pushed her beyond her comfort zone.  Asking for water was one thing- that was free; but asking for bread was another matter.  Her response was to focus on her lack and make excuses.  She had reached the end of what she could see or imagine and dramatically resigned to die (verse 12).  Elijah would help her recognize God’s voice and trust His provision.  He had first-hand knowledge of God doing the impossible.  He had provided morning and evening meals that Elijah did not need to prepare himself, and now God would demonstrate his love and compassion for this widow, as well.  As she obeyed the instructions, God used the prophet and left no doubt that “there would be plenty”(verse 14).  God had indeed provided.  She learned to do what she could with what she had, and now there was “always enough”.  She had been obedient and God had kept his promise.  The widow would still need more assurance when her son later became ill and died, but God would respond yet again.  In fact, God knew how the woman would respond because He knew what she was made of.

God shows up in our situations and stretches us because He knows what’s in us.  He moves us to levels of trust that we’d prefer to avoid, and yet He does it anyway.   When God acts, we have to consider the limits we put on Him and where we believe He’s gone too far in our lives.  Has He not supplied what He requires?  Does He not lay the plans to meet the needs?  Our God has given us more than enough, yet we doubt Him, need more instruction and confirmation, and trust our own thoughts more than His very presence. 

At some point, it’s to our benefit to decide that enough is enough.  Let’s put some matters to rest.  We’re human beings, so we forget, hold pity parties, and need encouragement and reminders.  But we can get back on track more quickly when we stay close to Him and remind ourselves and others of His goodness and consistency.  God will provide over and over again, but we must:

  • Decide to trust Him regardless of our circumstances
  • Allow our faith to lead when trouble comes
  • Pray often
  • Tell others so they can be encouraged, too.

The widow was not blessed until she obeyed.  Today, we can look at what we have, dedicate it to Him- with complete surrender, and be confident that it is enough.  He will multiply our offering and it will become plenty, whether finance, food, effort, kindness, or possession- He will do with it what we have no might to do and it will be sufficient to meet the need.  Now is the time to elevate our actions and trust the God who is more than enough.


Thank you, Lord for clearly demonstrating that you are faithful, good, and consistent.  Teach us how to draw close to you and to believe that you are who you say you are and will do what you say you will do.  Trusting you is enough.

In Jesus’ Name,


Live well,


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