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The Light!
John 8:12 (ESV)
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
Genesis 1:3-4a (NLT)
Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that it was good.
Psalm 104:1-2 (NLT)
Praise the Lord, I tell myself; O Lord my God, how great you are! You are robed with honor and with majesty; you are dressed in a robe of light.
God created the light and then dressed Himself in it. That boggles the mind and puts us in our place. God is so all-sufficient that He clothes Himself and decides how His glory will be realized. Pause a moment and allow that to sink in.
God is the Light! Light illuminates, makes things clear, teaches, draws, and encourages. He is what we lack and desire- our pillar of fire.
We need light. We need God’s very special mechanism to see our way in theses dark times. Life is too serious to spend time chasing artificial sources. We need the One True Light (John 8:12), the One who sees beyond our limited view.
Our God, who thought of everything that is necessary to live as we were designed to live, made Himself our absolute sufficiency. He came so that we could have life (John 10:10). Time and time again, He is enough. As our Light, He has the answers to our questions, will provide the direction, and anticipate our needs.
Our task?
Trust Him. He has shown us who He is and has made us aware of His actions in our hearts and lives. He is so much more that our hearts can imagine. He is a consistently loving God and wants us to have confidence in knowing that He is paying very close attention to us.
Honor Him. We don’t exist for ourselves. Our lives are meant to be given for other’s needs. Now is the time to use the gift of light that we possess to bless others whenever we have the opportunity.
Represent Him. If we have accepted Christ, we possess the light. In so doing, the way we decide to speak and live matters. God can use our everyday experiences to draw people to Him.
Go to Him. Seek…, ask…, knock… Pray often, being as specific as possible about whatever issue is important to you. He will listen and respond (and doesn’t mind if you keep on asking; Matthew 7:7). In fact, when you don’t know what to say, He’ll add meaning to the silence and babbles (Romans 8:26-27).
Praise Him. God deserves our attention. He has taken care of every matter in our lives. He wants us to recognize His actions and given Him thanks and praise.
The Light of the world is here to bring us both life and light. We can see our way more clearly when we recognize Him by the way we live, look to and depend on Him and can share Him with others who need that great Light in their own lives.
Lord, Thank you for providing exactly what we need. The greatest gift is the Light of Your Presence. Teach us how to trust, honor, represent and go to You each day.
In Jesus’ Name,
Merry Christmas!
Also Read, “Press On”
Soon you’ll be thinking about storing your Christmas tree and decorations. Get storage bins or next year’s discounted decorations delivered to your door by Amazon.
So thankful that Jesus lights the way when life gets dark. He is my Waymaker!
He’s so good to us, Kim.
Amen, this devotion says it all! Love when the Holy Spirit takes over (Romans 8:26-27)! ☀️
Amen, Brenda!