PSALM 25:7 (NLT)
Forgive the rebellious sins of my youth; look instead through the eyes of your unfailing love, for you are merciful, O Lord.
When one year ends and another begins it’s not unusual to think of what’s old and new in your life. It’s a natural part of the growing process.
When you have the benefit of experience you become reflective (or at least you should!). You realize you weren’t always truthful about the way you lived; didn’t listen to the sage advice of family and friends; and suffered from the kind of tunnel vision that could only see things your way. As you think about those very wrong choices, you might begin to talk to yourself and say, “What was I thinking?” And then, as the memories of your silliness play across the screen of your mind, you’ll likely end up groaning and shaking your head in disbelief.
A renewed sense of God’s hand on your life now becomes obvious to you. He has been merciful! What could have happened didn’t happen. And, because He’s merciful, you’re now on the other side of those choices. You probably don’t even recognize that person anymore because you’ve allowed God to use the experiences of time to teach you. So stop for a moment. Pause and take that in. Thank Him. He never left you, never turned His back on you, and protected you even when you didn’t look to Him or want to hear from Him. Say, “thank you”.
The lessons were necessary. He didn’t let us die in our foolishness. Now, we can help others live past theirs.
Lord, Thank you for the promise that no matter where we are or what we do, you are there. Help us to live enlightened lives so that we can help someone else.
In Jesus’ Name,
Live well,
“…so that we can help someone else.” Beautiful.
Not for us to live for Him,
For Him to live through us.
Reflection is good.
So good.