Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NLT)

There is a time for everything; a season for every activity under heaven.


We can’t possibly wrap our minds around achieving balance until we abandon our desire to find it and instead focus on what God has in mind.  When we struggle with balance we’re really struggling with contentment, and contentment is an issue of the heart.  Why contentment? Because until we’re able to accept what God does and how He does it, we frustratingly plan with poor results and exhausted bodies.

Balance is found when we take a good, hard, loving look at where our desires are housed.  Then, we can engage a process to recognize and release feelings that hold us back from trusting in God’s providence.  When we learn to be grateful for the way God decides to move, we can say “yes”, “no” or “later” to people, activities and experiences that don’t align with the plan.  We won’t search for ways to be busy, but will instead desire ways to be in the right place, at the right time, with the intended impact.

As believers, we’re to be content with God’s order of events, even if we don’t understand them.  He wants us to do all that we can do to complete our tasks well; to be at peace with ourselves about where we are and what we’ve been able to accomplish by His hand; to use what we have; and to expect and trust Him when change happens- because it will inevitably happen.  

Balance is found in God’s plan.  So, before we say “yes” or “no” or “later” to the next ‘thing to do’, pause.  Ask God for direction, confirmation, and peace.  Seek direction to know if what looks good to do is really good for us; ask for confirmation that our actions have His blessing; and gain peace in knowing that He’s able to provide what we need to complete our tasks well.  After all, who has time to be busy for busy’s sake?  Since time is precious, let’s line our actions up with God’s program and gain balance as a bonus.  


Lord, teach us to achieve balance by lining up our desires and motives with your plan.

In Jesus’ Name,

Be well,

2 thoughts on “Achieving Balance”

  1. I appreciate the focus on God and His will, with the awareness of our desires. I noted I have many expectations from world and experiences rather than His Word.

    unfulfilled, I then look toward more world standards to fulfill what appears God refuses to fulfill. God fulfills that which brings the credit/glorification to Him.

    Regardless of season, thank you for sharing!

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