Romans 5:3 (NLT)
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us- they help us learn to endure.
We won’t be okay if all we’re thinking about is getting past where we are to reach where we want to be. We were not created to merely ‘make it’. We were created to emerge beyond the self-centered mindset that focuses on being free from problems.
When we focus on getting through some issue or stage our point-of-view is limited. God always has more in mind. He’s a process-God, and because he’s Sovereign, the end was determined from the beginning. He’s more interested in growing us into the best versions of ourselves than in getting us to the other side of what challenges us. He wants us to go through- well. To do that, we must find the joy in our journey.
Following God requires a willingness to be flexible or to become more flexible than we’ve been up to now. He’s doing something in our ‘through’ process and wants us to see these issues from his perspective.
Before we’re charged to persevere in chapter 5 of our text, we’re reminded that God will bring “into existence what didn’t exist before” in Chapter 4 (verse 17). We learn about Abraham’s faith. He simply believed God. He endured his trials and limitations because he believed God would respond as he promised. How else could a man of 100 years trust that he would become a father, not just of children, but of nations of children, when his wife had long been barren? Abraham’s trials were for our benefit (Romans 4:23). His trials reveal our truths.
1. Character is built when we learn to live well where we are.
- Develop bigger dreams. Surprise yourself. Reach for more than you thought was possible and watch God respond and cause shifts that amaze you. He will exceed your expectation (Ephesians 3:30).
- Expect his response. God is all about action. When we get to work, he responds. Look for ways that he directs you, responds to your questions, and reveals opportunities.
- Become okay with “no”. It’s an important part of the journey. Everything you want and desire is not good for you. In fact, if we really want God’s best, we have to get used to doors closing as we move in his best direction.
- Press past hard. Most people avoid the hard stuff. If an issue lasts longer than they’d prefer, they move on to something else, and totally miss what was possible. Our ‘microwave’ society has spoiled us against perseverance- we want it now or we don’t want it at all. Stay the course and wait. It will be worth it.
2. People change when we change.
- Provide the example. More is indeed caught than taught. People are always watching. For those who won’t open a bible, we can demonstrate the benefits of trusting God. Our lives can become a billboard of his grace.
- Be prepared to encourage. When our testimony is believable, we may be in situations that allow us to listen, observe, and encourage someone. It’s our chance to help them go ‘through’ well by staying the course while on the journey.
- Expect motivations to change. As people learn to take a deep dive into faith their focus changes and they begin to realize the benefits of selflessness. As we demonstrate how to live well by honoring God in the midst of trials, others consider doing the same.
As we follow Christ we can find joy despite our disappointments and because of our pain. In the midst of difficulty, we can learn to live well beyond the basics and raise the standard of our thoughts and dreams.
Lord, Thank you for teaching us to exercise gratitude and to embrace your hope in the midst of our difficulties.
In Jesus’ Name,
Live well,