Psalm 106: 48 (NLT)
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting! Let all the people say, “Amen!” Praise the Lord!
If you’ve ever had the opportunity to worship in a foot-stomping, ‘sanctified’ church, then you might just remember ‘The Amen Corner’. That’s the area in the church sanctuary where the chorus of ladies (and a few good men) who encouraged the sermon with “Amens” typically sat. As the preacher poured out a message of truth, the faithful crew would endorse those words by interjecting their “Amen!” Those proclamations would stir the congregation by reminding people of God’s faithfulness and would entice them to utter “Amen” for themselves.
When we think of all that God has done, and truly consider how things could have been, an “Amen” should come rather easily. We do not deserve what he has given. We have been unfaithful and unkind. We say one thing and do another. Our memory constantly fails to recall the ways in which he’s met our needs, yet he provides an open path to forgiveness and continues to bless us day-after-day.
We express “Amen” to tell God that we believe him, trust him and agree that he is complete. The utterance is an explosion of promise and faith. God will do what he says he will do, in right order, and with thorough execution. He will not fail or forget. When we line up our thoughts and intentions with the truth of his character, our “Amen” connects our words to his heart and lets him know that we agree that he is- Sovereign and in control. God is good and worthy of our recognition and endorsement:
God is faithful- “Amen!”
We are inadequate and unworthy to receive what he gives, yet he provides it anyway- “Amen!”
He has given the gifts of time and opportunity to join him as he works in us and reaches people through us- “Amen!”
He has protected us- “Amen!”
He has provided food, clothing and shelter in ways that boggles the mind- “Amen!”
We may have suffered loss, but he has been consistently present and has been our Strength- “Amen!”
He hears us when we pray and attends to our every concern- “Amen!”
Our lives are in His hands- “Amen!”
We can look forward to the future because God gives us hope-“Amen!”
No matter what we’re dealing with, God is in it with us and has made a way for us- “Amen!”
God has proven that he knows what he’s doing. Somebody say, “Amen!”
Lord, Thank you for the promises of your presence. It’s so easy to become overwhelmed as we think about all you have done. You’ve kept us through the most difficult circumstances, have provided consistent protection, healing, and our daily bread. When we cry out, you answer us and when we don’t know what to do, you provide direction. Lord, you have been good.
Live well,