Be Free!


People Pleasing

This month we’ll consider ways to change the way we think so that we can learn to live well.  Let’s focus on what it means to ‘Be Free’ from people pleasing.

Theme Verse: “So if the Son sets you free, you really will be free.” (John 8:36 CSB)

Galatians 1:10 (NLT)

Obviously, I’m not trying to be a people pleaser.  No, I am trying to please God.  If I were trying to please people, I would not be Christ’s servant.


People pleasing is hard work but we do it anyway.  We see what’s going on around us, latch on to the latest, greatest, and shiniest, and forget who we are.  Before we know it, we’ve set ourselves up to get approval from people for most of the decisions we make.

The funny thing about people pleasing is that people are never really pleased (at least not consistently).  People are inherently selfish.  Their desires and moods change.  After all, they’re just doing what people do.  Sometimes their responses line up with what God wants and sometimes they don’t.  So why spend so much time trying to make others happy when they struggle with the same issue?  The people we’re trying to gain approval from are trying to gain approval from another set of people!

We naturally want to please our parents, spouses, bosses, and friends.  We’d like to be a part of a group, have an application approved, and receive the affirmation that we’ve done a great job.  Getting advice and counsel from wise people has its place (and should be a part of our process), but the approval we should be looking for- what our hearts really need- only comes from God.  

We have the freedom to be the people we were meant to be when we look to God for confirmation, direction, and applause.  He makes the decisions about our worth and worthiness.  When we regard His opinion as being higher than any other source, we’ll begin to see life, and His love and purposes for us, more clearly.  As we acknowledge His wisdom and foresight, we put ourselves in a position of obedience and our opinion of ourselves grows.  

We don’t have to do what other people do, wait for their ‘go ahead’ before we make a move, wrestle with our emotions because we may let someone down, or fail to do what our hearts really want to do because it didn’t live up to expectations.  We can sing, dance, write, organize, share, apply, and work based on the only approval that really matters.  Let’s live well by looking to God for the ‘go girl’ that we need first and most.


  • When have you struggled to gain approval from someone?
  • What did you learn from that struggle?
  • What changes are you willing to make that move you in the right direction?



Lord,   A lot of what we put ourselves through is bound in people pleasing.  We do it so often that we barely recognize it.  Help us to look to You for everything we need, including the approval that gives us both direction and worth.

In Jesus’ Name,

Live well,

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4 thoughts on “Be Free!: From People Pleasing”

  1. I really enjoyed today blog. I need to remember that God is the only one I need to please. Thank you Michelle.

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