Be Free!

To Move Forward

This month we’ll consider ways to change the way we think so that we can learn to live well.  Let’s focus on what it means to ‘Be Free’ to move forward.

Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

John 8:36 (CSB)

So if the Son sets you free, you really will be free.


Fear can rule our lives and destroy us from the inside out, if we allow it.  It often comes when we’re thinking about doing something new, taking a risk, or just stepping out to explore possibilities . 

It’s very natural to feel some fear.  That’s a part of the human experience.  But, when we can’t move forward because of what’s holding us down and back, there’s a problem that needs some attention. 

Joshua was given a task.  He was to “prepare to cross over the Jordan to the land I am giving the Israelites” (Joshua 1:2).  The Children of Israel would possess the Promised Land even though it had taken 40 years to accomplish.

The journey had been long because the people had been obedient.  Now, courage was needed to complete the journey.  Joshua had to lead people who had only heard of God’s promises as told to them by former generations.   To make matters worse, he was leading as their enemies were chomping at the bit, waiting to destroy them. 

Despite everything that had happened prior, and every fear that wanted to creep into the situation, Joshua had God’s promises and reminders.  God clearly said, “I have given…” (Joshua 1:3); “I promised Moses…” (Joshua 1:3b); “No one will be able to stand against you…” (Joshua 1:5); “I will be with you…I will not leave or abandon you” (Joshua 1:5b). 

God provides the same promises to us today.  Why the need for so much Godly assurance?   When we look at the way we’ve lived, the decisions we’ve made, and the things we’ve said, regret and shame can develop, feed our fears, and stifle our ability to go after what God has already promised. 

The Children of Israel certainly had a few things to be ashamed of.  God had proven Himself faithful to them time and time again.  They had renewed their faith in Him and then fell into poor patterns more often than they cared to be reminded of.  Now, they faced a huge task.  Only God could see them through.  And, just as He was faithful to do, He spoke the words of assurance that would fuel their actions and their journey. 

Fear and shame can make our worlds small.  To live well, we have to be willing to move through the struggle and give up our need to live in perpetual remorse.  We can feel fear for so long that it becomes familiar, and even comfortable, provides the excuses we need to avoid making a change, and keeps us from stepping out into what’s possible.   

Fear steals peace.  It can make us suspicious of good things that come our way, invites confusion and irrational thoughts, and sets us up to dislike ourselves, wallow in pity, and seek out unhealthy attention.  But God has more in store.

So today, call fear what it is- a thief!  Negative emotions have no room to live in our hearts when we remember God’s promises.  We don’t need to be held captive by our emotions or others’ opinions.  We have our own Promised Land to conquer.

Think About It

  1. What thoughts, feelings, or memories bring about feelings of fear, guilt or shame?
  2. When you talk to God about these experiences, what do you sense He’s saying about it?
  3. What new or renewed action can you take to replace those old thoughts and behaviors?


Lord, It’s so easy to beat ourselves up about what we did or did not do and how we do or do not measure up.  We have value because You give us value.  We can grasp hold of the courage You provide for whatever we need to face.  Today, we release the fear, embarrassment and shame that we’ve held on to and give it all to you.

In Jesus’ Name,

Live well, 

Bible Verses

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4 thoughts on “Be Free: To Move Forward”

  1. Thanks for this message. I definitely am working on not letting fear control me. I pray and then start worrying. I know God is in full control and can and will help me live by faith not fear. Love you teacher!!

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