Good Deeds

Good Deeds

Galatians 6:10 (NLT)

So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.


The late A.M.E. Bishop Richard Allen Hildebrand was known to say, “it’s nice to be nice” and Dionne Warwick has told us that the world needs “love, sweet love”.  For many people, it’s been months since they’ve touched another person with a warm embrace or a gentle hand.  Being separated has caused many to feel isolated.

Extending ourselves to others is one of the greatest acts of selflessness we can demonstrate.   We’re seldom required to leave our homes to touch someone’s life in a positive way.  People need to hear a kind word particularly when their access to others may be limited.  A friendly greeting or warm compliment could make all the difference to someone who’s struggling.  Rote, practiced phrases have their place, but a genuine comment can lift a person’s spirits. 

As Christians, we know that God is working all around us.  It’s our task to discover opportunities where He calls us to join Him at work.  We may be placed in situations where the most appropriate response is to encourage, counsel, or simply listen.  A kind word or thoughtful gesture has the power to build or restore a relationship, stir up positive feelings, change the climate of a meeting, and  impact a person’s self-esteem.  A difficult situation can be turned on its heels with a single demonstration of empathy and compassion.

Let’s deliberately extend kindness to the people around us.  As we engage these good deeds,  we may have to deal with being a bit uncomfortable, but isn’t a little discomfort worth the outcome?  Sometimes a situation calls for us to say absolutely nothing, without any malicious intent.  At other times, we may be asked to reassure someone we seldom interact with.  And, let’s not forget that one of the most impactful ways to demonstrate kindness is to be forgiving.  So, let’s be all that Christ wants us to be by doing good deeds during tough times.



Help us to be your hands and feet in a world that is sheltering-in-place.  We want to reflect your love and kindness in such a way that someone knows that they’re not alone.

In Jesus’ Name,

Live well,





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