Good Sense

Psalm 119:73

You made me; you created me.  Now give me the sense to follow your command.

We’re oftentimes caught acting as though we’ve not been given both example and direction for ways to truly live well.  The truth we cannot ignore is that we were created to stand heads above the rest (1 Peter 2:9).  

Now is our opportunity to collect ourselves, speak with Godly intention, show kindness, demonstrate love, be forgiving, and light up the world around us with God’s grace.  My Nana would say, “it’s time to act like we’ve got the sense God gave us”- the good sense.  In other words, we have to get it together and remember who we are, whose we are, and how we’re made.  

We were created with intricate intention and there should be no question about our allegiance.  God took care to form our frames and wants us to take care to grow our souls.  This is not the time to doubt, complain, whine or give up.  Be angry, mourn, speak out, and shout, but do it all out of a sense of righteousness.  Remember that God has more in mind than we can see or understand.  Hasn’t the pandemic proven that?  His plan is bigger than we’ve considered and He has the last say.

So, we must lift our heads, broaden our shoulders, prayerfully establish visions, and lead, help, give and influence with intention.  We are to:

  • Start with God.  Don’t make decisions without him.  If you do, I promise you’ll regret it.
  • Keep pride in check.  Don’t think too much of yourself or too little of anyone else.
  • Be dependable.  Be careful to say and do exactly what you intend or promise with biblical backing.
  • Be attractive.  When people think of you, it should be with warm thoughts, or at least without much opportunity or rationale for complaint.
  • Be committed.  Make every attempt to build the people around you.  They should become more aware of God and themselves because they were in your presence.
  • Lead well.  Remember that your decisions don’t just effect you.  Your actions have good and bad consequences for the people in your life and for those you didn’t realize were watching.
  • Enjoy God.  He has provided beyond our capacity to appreciate.  Acknowledge his handiwork and tell him ‘thank you’ often.  

Now is the appropriate time to understand what we were designed to do- not just the big life “call” but the daily life “do’s”.  When we live the ‘good sense’ kind of life, people will be drawn to what we reflect.  That’s when we can introduce them to our Good God, and that’s when we’re really living well.


Lord, Life is not a random set of circumstances.  Help us live with intention, following you every step of the way.  We need wisdom to live among your people and we need to be willing to extend grace and forgiveness toward those who haven’t quite latched on to your goodness.  Thank you for loving us enough to create us so perfectly and direct us so well.

In Jesus’ Name,


Live well,


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