Father Knows Best

Psalm 139:3 (NLT)

You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest.  Every moment you know where I am.


In the 1940’s, there was a radio program called, “Father Knows Best” that became a television sitcom in 1954.  It was based on the wisdom of a father who’s children sought out his advice.  He seemed like the perfect father, but as any man would, he didn’t always get it right.

As Christians, we have a Father that truly does know best. He knows it all, sees it all, and takes care of it all. He’s aware of the state of our hearts, bodies and minds.  He knows that we’re afraid to let Him lead, to trust His process and outcome, to abandon our preferences, and to do things differently.  He’s is aware of our need to be busy, to crowd our minds and hours with activity, and avoid rest and silent breaks.  He knows.

God “sits above the circle of the earth” (Isaiah 40:22a) and sees that we’re not always as kind to ourselves as we are to the people around us.  Our actions, thoughts, and words demonstrate  that we don’t become our own ‘good friend’ or take the good advice that we so quickly give away.  We’re prone to keep ourselves ‘on the hook’ and require more from ourselves than is reasonable or even God-honoring.  He knows that we’re often driven by a standard that no human can maintain, and continue to press toward some obscure, self-imposed goal.  We’re even caught saying, “I’ve got it” and “I’m okay” when we don’t have it and we’re praying that the balls don’t fall all around us.  He knows.

God knows and sees and cares.  He has not lost sight of us even when we’ve lost sight of him.  He cares that we schedule too much and sleep too little.  When we make decisions without consulting him, he waits for us to gaze upward and seek His counsel.  When we hang out with people who have nothing of value to add to our journey, He longs to dialogue with us about His preferences and intentions. 

Now is a good time to reflect, reconsider, and redo our courses of action.  He has a plan for us because He knows what’s best for us.  It’s time to stop and rest and listen.


Thank you, Lord for knowing who we are, where we are and what we need.  Teach us to look to you to direct our steps every day.

In Jesus’ Name,

Live well,

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Father’s Day is June 20th

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3 thoughts on “Father Knows Best”

  1. Kimberly Gordon

    This truly spoke to me. Not good with letting Him take care of things or me. Praying for a change in myself

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