

Make Changes That Matter


Joshua 2:21 (NLT)
“I accept your terms,” she replied.  And she sent them on their way, leaving the scarlet rope hanging from the window.

Rahab made a decision to live differently.  She knew who God was and what He had done for His people, and that kind of God was really attractive to her.  He had her attention.  She was ready to make changes that mattered.

Let’s be clear, Rahab was a hustler.  She was a woman who recognized the need to secure safety for herself and her family members.  She took a risk, assisted Joshua’s spies, and accepted the terms of agreement and that decision changed the entire course of her life.  One well-directed decision resulted in a Canaanite prostitute becoming an ancestor of Christ.

As we mature, we should detect when it’s time to pivot, or modify, some part of our lives.  At some point we need to take a calculated risk.  Sometimes significant, life-altering changes are needed, but most of the time there are small changes we can make to add quality to our lives. 

To make changes in life, and to execute the pivot, there are a few things we may need to stop doing and other actions we need to start or continue doing:



  • Telling ourselves what we can’t do and what we don’t have
  • Making excuses
  • Being afraid to express what’s on our hearts
  • Hiding our gifts
  • Procrastinating



  • Trust that God will give us everything we need to do what He wants us to do
  • Doing what scares us
  • Telling God our desires and asking Him if they lines up with the ones He has for us
  • Enrolling in training to do what we do even better
  • Getting into action toward our goals

The power of the pivot is that some may shift from being people-pleasers to becoming the kind of people who are able to make decisions based on the merit of the issues and leadings of the Creator.

The gift of the pivot is that God is our fixed position.  He does not change yet has invited us to make changes in heart, mind and action.  Just like Rahab, opportunities come our way to partner with God and He then causes both small and large revolutions to occur.  In fact, once we’ve signaled our agreement, and moved in God’s direction, He will provide the people, tools and opportunities we need to secure our safety and make the needed changes.  We can’t be effective if we don’t take the challenge to make a shift.

Our Father stands as a place of stability for us so that we can shift to align with His sovereignty.  For some, a life’s purpose can be found, but for others there’s renewed purpose in each day’s living.  What may seem to be small opportunities to join Him as He works around us can cause significant changes in our trajectory, but we must choose.  

We choose to pivot by:

        • Accepting that God is Sovereign and has the right plan for us
        • Making a decision to do whatever He has in mind
        • Listening to our heart’s desires and the intuitions we sense
        • Writing down whatever we hear or detect
        • Committing what we detect to prayer
        • Giving ourselves permission to try something new (even if it’s scary!)
        • Asking a person we trust to hold us accountable to continue to pursue action
        • Taking time to celebrate God’s responses and our participation

We don’t know what God has in store for us, but we do know that He has a plan.  As we agree to participate, we expose ourselves to His transforming power and begin to see that the gift of the pivot was in obeying the call.


Lord, Thank you for always having a plan for us.  Change is challenging, but we want to be available to You as You work in and around us.  Teach us to release the need to control the circumstances and instead make a move and follow Your lead.

In Jesus’ Name,

Live well,

2 thoughts on “Pivot”

  1. Monica Blanton-Lacy

    Good morning Chele,
    These words…” The gift of the pivot is that God is our fixed position.” Yes! God is our focus. Let me keep my focus on Him and His plan for my life. Let’s all be brave, doing things afraid, while trusting in Him all the way. Amen.

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