Well, Oh Well

John 4: 15 (NLT)

“Please, sir,” the woman said, “give me some of that water!  Then I’ll never be thirsty again, and I won’t have to come here to haul water.”

The beginning of a new year is ripe with opportunity.  We often assess our habits from the year before and then make a few decisions about how we want to follow through as we move forward.  Resolutions or not, we see the promise of change.  

In order to experience substantive change- the kind of transformation that makes our past antics unrecognizable- we have to deal with a few matters.  The woman at the well had no idea that her life would radically change from a chance encounter with Christ.  She started out on her journey to the well at a time of day when most did not venture.  She simply wanted to get the water she needed while avoiding conflict and ridicule.  Her life was scandalous, so why invite trouble? But this visit would open her eyes to the truth.  She would confront her need for Christ and receive more than she’d bargained for.  He would heal her need to avoid the truth.  She needed what only He could provide.

Living honestly means that we take the courageous steps needed to confront our “stuff”.  It’s an opportunity to take a deep dive into what matters so that we can affect the course of our tomorrows.  We grow and grow up when we confront our issues head on.  When we decide to do the work to recognize and name our poor patterns, we’re ready to make the kind of change that lasts.  

The longer we resist change, the deeper we sink into the mire of our issues.  But confronting our issues doesn’t make them go away.  The Samaritan woman was initially looking for a way out because she didn’t understand the offer that was extended.   When we are willing to see what we’ve tried to avoid, and decide to set a new course that abandons what we’ve held onto, the possibilities for a life filled with fruitfulness opens up.  

Whatever we do now that limits our potential, and causes us to live below our calling, must be addressed before we can really take hold of all He has for us.  Whether gossip or laziness, tardiness or procrastination, over-indulgences or reckless spending,  Christ wants to deal with it.  He is the Water that will never run dry.  Our very souls need His cleansing intervention.  He has the remedy that will heal us and move us forward.  

After the woman allowed Christ to speak to her issues, she had a testimony.  She couldn’t talk about his transforming power until she’d accepted His truth.  When she told others about her encounter with the Living Water people were moved and wanted to hear Him for themselves.  

Let’s not continue the pattern of lying to ourselves about who we really are, what we really feel, and why we do what we do.  It’s time to face the truth.  Whatever the issue, our answer is at The Well.


Lord, Thank you for being all that we need.  When we’re afraid to deal with the issues that hold us back, you provide the safety we need to face those fears, accept the truth, and participate in change.  Help us to look honestly at the way we live and make a decision to live to honor you.

In Jesus’ Name,


Live well,


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