Donkey Wise

Learning to Do Things God's Way

Numbers 22:28
Then the Lord caused the donkey to speak, “What have I done to you that deserves your beating me these three times?” it asked Balaam.

We often learn the best lessons when something absurd happens to us.  Balaam had an encounter with God and his donkey that would help him learn to do things God’s way. 

Balaam was a false prophet or sorcerer who liked to receive money for his services.  He was essentially hired by a king to curse the Children of Israel.  On the journey to his job, his donkey began to act weirdly.  On three occasions, Balaam beat the animal in response to its actions.  After the third beating, the Lord allowed the donkey to speak and the donkey began questioning and chastising Balaam.

The story is a bit comical.  First, who’s ever heard of a donkey speaking to a person.  But the story also provides a serious lesson.  While most people assess a donkey to be a stubborn, simple animal, it’s actually quite intelligent with phenomenal memory.  The animal in this story was characterized as a symbol of “service, suffering, peace and humility” ( 

The donkey could see what the man could not.  The animal had the sense to try to get out of the way of the angel of the Lord, but because Balaam couldn’t see or sense what the donkey knew, he made assumptions about the donkey’s actions.  In fact, Balam blamed the animal for making him look badly (verse 29).  Until the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes, he had no awareness of God’s presence.  Balam’s perspective was skewed but the donkey’s perspective was clear.   

Balaam and the king had one plan (curse the Children of Israel), but God had another plan (bless the Children of Israel).  God used the donkey to get Balam’s attention and cooperation.  And, as you’ve likely guessed, God won.

Truths About God:

*God will take care of His people

*God can choose to use anything or anyone to achieve His purposes

*God’s will is going to prevail (regardless of how things may look)

What Should We Learn:

~Keep your eyes and ears open to ways that God is working and speaking

~Watch your motives.  God is aware of why of why we do what we do

~Everything works out better when we decide to cooperate with God

~God can change our plans at any time (Really!)

The donkey had reverent fear and quick responses to the Lord.  So, in this bible story, the donkey’s responses serve as a good reminder to us.  To live well, don’t ignore God’s presence, warnings, or instructions.  Instead, be donkey wise.  God’s view is always in our best interest.


Lord, We’re grateful that You are the kind of God who will get our attention.  Help us to be aware of what You’re trying to show us and tell us.  And, help us cooperate with your plan.

In Jesus’ Name,

Live well,

13 thoughts on “Donkey Wise: Learning to Do Things God’s Way”

  1. HI Michelle,
    Thank you for the reminder to be “donkey wise” and aware of what God is “up-to” in our lives, may we ever be obedient and do what it is that He desires of us (me).
    Have a great day!

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