Just Like That

Hebrews 11:3 (NLT)

By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.

God can make something out of nothing.  That’s his track record.  The creation story clearly states, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The earth was empty…” (Genesis 1:1-2a).  It’s a difficult concept for us to understand because we really don’t know what ‘nothing’ or ’empty really means.

We have always had the benefit of provision and that privilege has bred disbelief and faithlessness.  Something was always present for us, so it’s challenging for us to start anything from scratch.  We tend to make up excuses not to act or continue doing what we know we need to do.  We become our own worst enemy as we rationalize our lack of action or progress because we either don’t like our starting point or don’t know what to expect.

God acted without excuse.  His posture was fixed and certain.  He saw the nothingness and acted on it.  He did something.  There was no form and he called it into being.  There was only emptiness and He filled it.  There was no life to be found except his own and he created and patterned it (Genesis 1: 27).  He spoke and what did not exist became real- just like that.  And, since he decided to create us in his image- to be like him- we are without excuse.

Through the power of his might, we can begin a journey, with no idea of where we’re going or what it will look like.  Sometimes we’ll catch a glimpse of what he’s doing and at other times we may feel uncertain about the course.  But God created both the visible and the invisible (Colossians 1:16).  He already has the plan and knows what will happen next.  We can trust him to be the creating, protecting, guiding God that he is.  We can decide not to give in to the fear of starting something new or continuing to do something we’re drawn to do.

God blesses obedience (Exodus 19:5; Romans 2:6-8).  When we’re uncertain about where to begin, but are certain that we need to do that ‘God honoring’ thing, we have the power to do it.  We have His power.  We can make a move and start some action and He will respond.  He will turn our nothing into something- just like that!


Lord, Thank you for giving us such an example of action that leaves us with no permission to be inactive.  Direct our steps as we decide to do something and anticipate your response.

In Jesus’ Name,


 Live well,


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