What Time Is It?
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NLT)
There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven.
Time ticks. These days it seems that time, like money, takes wings and flies (Proverbs 23:5). The young adults in our lives were toddlers just a few minutes ago. We look in the mirror and wonder where that new gray strand came from and hope that it’s the way the bathroom light shines on our heads. But whether we want to agree or not, nothing is as it was and our time for making an impact in the world is shortened with every new day.
Time matters. If we choose to waste it, or to crowd as many tasks into an hour as possible, we haven’t made room to craft experiences that linger. Indeed, the important things have to be done, but we may need to change the way we view our moments and how we use them. Working hard, holding meaningful conversations with friends, finding time to be quiet, and taking the time to shop for foods that build our bodies are all worthwhile, life-building activities. We have to decide to be deliberate about adding quality to life.
Time brings change. Winter turns to spring and we often fail to build-in salient experiences as we navigate life events. Spring becomes summer and we anticipate a break that we seldom fully embrace. Summer changes to fall and we realize that we failed to rest sufficiently. And, fall beckons toward the end of the year as we wonder where the time has gone. The truth is that everyday has sufficient time allotted for usefulness, creativity and rest, but we frequently fail to make the kinds of decisions that allow us to change and grow gracefully. We take this most precious commodity for granted.
Time will pass. No matter what we do, time never stops moving. But, we have the power to design moments that will linger. When we decide to live a peculiar kind of life, others take note and may even imitate our actions. For instance, making a decision to prepare enough dinner to share with a lonely elder has the power to brighten her day and boost our mood. We both benefit as we fondly reminisce about the quality of a surrendered life and the honor of being useful. Walking through a museum with a treasured friend has the potential for renewing our spirits and realigning our perspectives.
There’s no better time than now to revise the way we live each day. We can learn to appreciate more about life, and the details therein, when we consciously include life-breathing actions into our daily routines. So we need to ask ourselves a set of questions: If not today, then when? If not now, why not? It’s an arrogant person who says, “I’ll do it when…” or “I’m waiting to be ready before I…” as though they have an iota of power as it relates to the lengths of our lives. Excuses are roadblocks to productivity. Once we act, God responds. We’re called to check the time and use it well.
Lord, Thank you for the gift of time. We want to build quality into our days and live in such a way that our presence has made someone else’s life better. Teach us how to live with You in mind, with an unselfish focus, available to move and influence as You desire. We want to use time well, to make good decisions despite all that’s happening in our lives and in the world, and to demonstrate the hope that is found in a life that’s surrendered to Your will.
In Jesus’ Name,
Live well,