Excuses, Excuses

Esther 4:10 (NLT)

The whole world knows…

There are so many reasons why we don’t do what we should.  Sometimes we have to deal with legitimate obstacles, but most of the time we get in our own way.

Esther was the new queen.  The king had loved her “more than any other young women” (Esther 2:17), placed the crown on her head, and celebrated and honored her with a banquet.  She was favored, but she was also a Jew, placed in the palace for a purpose yet unknown to her.  The time had come for her to act on behalf of her people.  A decree had been ordered to kill all of the Jews in all of the provinces of the king’s empire.  And now, Esther needed to approach the king to seek mercy for her people.  Her initial response, however was to provide an excuse.

Excuses are easier than action.  They give us an opportunity to develop an escape plan, to change course, to avoid a difficult situation, or do nothing at all.  When our first response to a situation is to justify why we “can’t”, “shouldn’t”, or “might not”, and when the first word we utter is “but”, we’ve forgotten to lead with God.  No matter what we’re dealing with, God’s perspective needs to come first.  Regardless of the challenge, He has a way to deal with it. 

Instead of talking about what little time we have to do what we’ve been given, rather than counting our coins and deciding that it’s insufficient to meet the need, and as an alternative to looking at the task as too large to match our skills, trust God.  When we have a strong sense of God’s bidding, when we have a ‘knowing’ that what is before us is actually for us, we have to move forward and depend on the One who sends us. 

What other people think about what we need to do is of little consequence.  God’s plans prevail.  The roadblocks and obstacles will teach us how to follow Him.  As we obey, step-by-step, we’ll begin to see what He wants to show us more clearly. 

Esther carefully responded to the call, despite the threat to her own life, and participated in rescuing her people.  We have work to do- in our homes, on the job, and in our neighborhoods.  We may be placed in position “for such as time as this” (verse 14).  So, let’s take the risk and move forward without excuse.


You’re with us, Lord even in the most challenging situations.  We know how to make excuses, but we want to know how to follow you.  As we trust you more and more, the “I can” and “I will” spirit will grow in us as we sense your direction and we will learn to honor you in all we do.

In Jesus’ Name,


Live well,


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